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Jordan Wolfanger


Jordan Wolfanger is an artist based in small-town New Jersey, pursuing higher education at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Most of her work is rendered traditionally, favoring materials such as colored pencils and markers, but she has recently plunged into the daunting realm of digital media.


Jordan is an illustrator who believes art is the chameleon of duality. Art unfolds the stories of light and dark, whimsical and mundane, celestial and grotesque--all at once. She explores the balancing act of juxtaposition through bright, delirious colors and surreal imagery.


Inspired by mythology, monsters, and euphoric wonderlands, Jordan invites ­­­you to experience the stories of the divine and macabre while peering through a saturated, chromatic lens. Her work is the visual manifestation of a dreamlike but nightmarish state of consciousness while appealing to aesthetics and beauty.


9 South Deer Hill Run

Sparta, NJ



(973) - 534 - 7712



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